K.S.A. 72-5390 authorizes all students attending USD 231 to pay instructional and course fees each school year. Instructional and course fees must be paid when processed on September 1 of each calendar school year, and any additional fees for special classes (listed in the District Fee Schedule).
Gardner Edgerton USD 231 accepts credit card payments for fees (https://www.myschoolbucks.com).
Books are not to be marked or damaged in any way by the student. Damage to books or materials or abnormal wear must be paid for by the student. The amount of damage will be assessed by the building Principal. In no case will the amount of assessment be greater than the replacement cost.
Students must also pay for materials that are lost. Should the lost materials be found later, a refund will be made based on the time the lost materials were out of circulation. Only the exact materials issued will be accepted when checking in materials at withdrawal or the end of the term. Books are identified by number.
To apply for benefits online, please use the Nutrition Services link https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application. If you have completed the survey but have questions about your benefits, please email Nutrition Services at nutrition@usd231.com.
Please reach out to the District Business Office at (913) 856-2050 to discuss payment plans if needed.